About PNI Empowerment

I, Jonathan N. Wakeling, coined the term #PNIempowerment, back in 2000 having attended two life-changing trainings in Harare, facilitated by David Ross Patient, Neil M. Orr and Geraldene Cockcroft. Advanced Personal Empowerment shook things up and the PNI Practitioner Training hit home.

PNI is one of the most complex “sciences” of the modern world. It’s as complex as astrophysics, brain surgery or rocket science or even more complex. Within PNI (commonly called psychoneuroimmunology) are philosophy, medicine, psychotherapy and much else besides. The cheat sheet says that PNI is how thoughts and emotions affect the immune system through neurological pathways.

Through the PNI based Personal Empowerment workshop I coined the term PNI Empowerment. PNI Empowerment is a group psychotherapy and can also be applied to individuals in one-on-one therapy, although due to group dynamics, group therapy is recommended.

Some of the techniques of PNI Empowerment are overcoming fears and developing a passion for life. Personality shadows patterns or coping styles and unfinished business are among some of the methods used in a workshop. 

To put it simply without a solid grounding in psychotherapy via PNI Empowerment I would not be where I am today nor would I be able to write this “biography”.